November 27, 2009

For most people, 2009 has been a difficult year financially but many have also experienced weight gain and poor health during these stressful times.  Add to this the typical weight gain of the holiday season (the average person gains seven pounds between Thanksgiving and the New Year) and you can see that 2009 is shaping up to be a very unhealthy year.  I want to motivate people to reverse this trend and become healthier and lose weight during the holiday season.

Losing weight means saving money.  Studies have shown that the heavier you are, the higher your cost of living.  Being leaner and healthier can mean fewer doctor visits and sick days, lower medication costs along with a whole host of other cost savings.  You don’t have to spend a lot of money to lose weight either.  Most people report lower food costs while on a diet compared to when they are not. There are also lots of ways to save money and get extra physical activity at the same time.  Don’t use the money as an excuse; you can become healthier and wealthier at the same time.

Now that the holiday season is rapidly approaching, it’s a good time to make plans to break the cycle of poor health habits and make some simple changes to your lifestyle.  You can still enjoy all the holiday festivities.  You can celebrate the season with more joy because you know you be getting healthier.  Don’t fall into that same rut of gaining those seven pounds over the holidays and making a New Year’s resolution take it all off.  Now is the time to get a head start on that New Year’s resolution.

Your weight and health don’t have to be victims of the economy or the holidays. You can choose to make this holiday season a time to lose weight and improve your health.  Here are a few tips to help you stay healthier this winter without blowing your budget:

Start with a plan.

The holidays are a busy time with additional challenges and stresses.  You’ll have less time for your daily routine, not to mention adding in some new healthy habits.  Take the time to plan out what it will take for you to be successful.  You will need to plan out everything it takes to eat healthy, get regular physical activity and to relax and enjoy the holiday season.

  • Make a schedule and write it down (or put it in your Blackberry or Iphone).  Writing down your plan increases the chances that you’ll get the job done.  If your calendar reminds you to wake up early next Tuesday to get in a morning walk, you’re more likely to do it.
  • Have a plan for food.  You should plan to have healthy food around all the time during the holidays.  This may mean planning shopping trips days (or weeks) in advance so that you always have good food choices around.  Plan for how you’ll eat your every day meals as well as how you’ll eat before and during parties and special occasions.
  • Have a plan for physical activity.  Even though you may have less time, it is vital that you plan part of each day for physical activity.  Set a goal of 60 minutes of physical activity daily and make it part of your routine.
  • Relax!  The holidays are a time for joy and celebration, but most people feel stressed out during this time of year.  Make sure to work in some “down time” into your schedule.  Relaxation helps with balance stress hormones, making weight loss easier.

Eat when you’re not hungry.

It sounds counterintuitive, but this is a very important concept.  To lose weight effectively and permanently, you must never feel hunger.  Hunger is your enemy.  When you are hungry, you are likely to eat anything.  No one has “will power” when they are hungry.  Instead, avoid hunger.  Strategically plan out your meals during the day so that you can avoid hunger and stay focused on your goal of healthy eating. 

  • Start with a high protein breakfast.  Research has shown that people who eat a healthy breakfast that is high in protein report less hunger at lunch and even at supper.  People who skip breakfast are more likely to feel hunger and overeat later in the day.
  • Eat all the time.  You should plan for 3 meals and 3 snacks or “mini-meals” daily.  Frequent eating helps balance your hormones and supercharges your metabolism.
  • Overeat vegetables and fruits.  I know it sounds crazy to recommend overeating any food as a way to lose weight.  But, the truth is that getting in a lot of servings of fruits and veggies is one of the best ways to fell full all the time.  By eating a large variety of these miracle foods, you also fill your body with lots of fiber, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. You should eat a variety of fruits and vegetables.  I recommend eating as many colors as possible in one day (i.e. reds, greens, yellows, oranges, purple, etc).
  • Pig out before the party.  You should overeat healthy foods before any party or any possible situation you will be tempted with unhealthy foods.  Enjoy the festivities of the season, but not all those unhealthy calories.
  • For more information on Dr. Isaacs’ nutritional plan, please see The Leptin Boost Diet and Hormonal Balance.

Avoid “appetite stimulating” foods

Foods high in refined carbohydrates or high in sugar increase your appetite.  These foods push your hunger hormones into overdrive making your ravenous.

  • Don’t eat bread before the meal.  This increases appetite and you’ll be more likely to overeat.  If you have to have a slice of bread, eat it during the meal instead.
  • Eat more protein.  While refined carbohydrates increase appetite, protein has the opposite effect.  Start the day with protein.  One study showed that people who had an egg white omelet for breakfast consumed 44% fewer calories during the day compared to those that ate instant oatmeal.

Get sixty minutes of physical activity every day.

Although it may mean some serious preplanning, I recommend that you get sixty minutes of physical activity every day.  Physical activity is loosely defined as anything that is moving your body around.  So shopping, dancing, cleaning, etc. all are considered forms of physical activity.  Walking is my favorite and the favorite physical activity for many of my patients.  You can get the sixty minutes all at once or in little blocks.  The goal is sixty minutes every day, any way you can do it.  And more is better, so if you can do more physical activity, I recommend doing as much as possible.

  • Turn shopping trips into workouts. Wear your running shoes to the mall and walk several extra laps.  Make the loop between stores, even if they are right next door.  Drop off each package in your car as you buy.  Take less cash with you so you shop less and walk more.
  • Walk all around the mall to find the best price.  Many stores carry similar products with varying prices. Once you know what you want, go back and check out every store for the best deal.  Often times, stores will honor other store’s prices, so it pays to walk back and forth between stores to negotiate the price. 
  • Enjoy the cool weather – bundle up and take a walk.  Walking can be done anytime of the day.  Don’t let the weather prevent you from getting physical activity.  Wear layers of warm clothes and a reflector vest at night.  You can park farther away from work, take a mini walk break several times a day, walk to lunch or take a walk instead of lunch. 
  • Walk somewhere instead of driving.  You’ll save gas and money!
  • Plan high physical activity days. Try to exercise on three separate occasions, one or two days each week. Start with an early morning workout. Then grab 15-20 minutes at lunchtime. Finish with a third bout of exercise in the evening. This will supercharge your metabolism and your body will love you.

Drink less alcohol.

Most people drink more alcohol during the holidays.  Even one alcoholic beverage has empty calories that can sabotage weight loss.  It is important to keep in mind that alcohol is very high in calories.  You don’t have to be a teetotaller, but try to drink less. 

  • Offer diet tonic at your parties.  Regular tonic is very high in calories, but diet tonic tastes great and is almost never available in a restaurant or bar.  Diet tonic with lime is a great calorie free “mock-tail.” 
  • Drink a glass of water or a diet soda instead of a high calorie drink, or at least have a few calorie free drinks between each alcoholic one. 
  • When you do drink, avoid the high calorie mixers and sodas. 
  • Don’t drink before a meal.  Like processed carbohydrates, alcohol (especially on an empty stomach) will send your appetite soaring.  Wait to have a glass of wine or a mixed drink with diet soda until your meal. 
  • Think about how good you’ll feel the next morning after a party when you didn’t have too much to drink.

If you are doing everything right and still can’t lose weight, get checked out by a doctor. You may have a medical problem or hormonal imbalance that’s impeding weight loss.  Many hormonal problems are easily diagnosed or treated, so if you have any concerns you should see your physician or an endocrinologist.  And it is always a good idea to work with your physician as you lose weight, especially if you take medications.